
How Young Is Too Young To Date? The Real Rules About Old And Young You By George

I’m laid back and get along with everyone. I am sorry you have been treated poorly. For the great quality ladies who just want love too, it’s also tough for us. I have high respect for the military. Many in my family have served or are currently serving. We’ve been together for 10 years, married for 7.

I now have plenty of new scar tissue, if you know what I mean. There just seems to be a paucity of fit, stylish, and “non-taken” single women in this age bracket. To prove his point, my friend and I set up a male & fake female profile on a popular dating site.

My 2 big complaints are they got married early and had kids and want to do things that they missed out on. The other is they have no job, no money after 50 years and they are looking for a sugar daddy. I can be a SD but my days of the monitory support is over. If we are emotionally equal than I have no issue. We ‘re both into a very healthy lifestyle. We hike a couple days a week and usually go dancing on the weekends…2 hours of non stop loud Rock or Salsa .

Ask a friend to introduce you.

I think an indication of the age of the person is still important for us mature adults. No need to state age preferences if not wanted but at least it gives a bit more ideal about a person than can be provided in the limited profiles. It seems counter-intuitive to say that people characterized by one attribute — how old they are — don’t care as much about age when looking for a companion, but it’s true. Young people are incredibly age-prejudiced, to such an extent that age is one of the most important filter criteria used to find a match on online dating sites. A man in his fifties who is looking for a committed relationship is going to seek a woman who he believes will integrate well into his life, meaning she’ll get along with his friends and family.


My ex did some of it with me for the first 10 years of marriage, but it was clearly a chore for her, not enjoyment. I did it with both kids then, and now the kids have moved on and we found to have nothing in common anymore. I really don’t get this obsession with appearance. To me, appearance is way down the list of things I am looking for in a woman. I tend to not approach the top 10% of women in looks, the ones with the perfect body, the perfect wardrobe and the perfect makeup because they tend to be high maintenance women.

So I feel free of any responsibilities of children even though I know that I have some “power freeloaders” still living at home with me. Best things about being 50… I have less patience for wasting time in misery! Dealing with dating in my 50s feels like another huge challenge, but there are YOUNGER MEN too Jajajaja. But I am still holding out for the right situation for me, probably similar age or older. I am praying that developing myself and my other healthy relationships will be attractive enough. I sure hope so, and I love John Gottman adapted for dating and singles, so it will be authentic if/when.

I hope, that the woman I approach will yes to a date, when I ask her out. I hate how our society is set up for dating. I have come across a lot of great women, that I know that she and I would be great together.

I want someone who generally has a positive outlook. Someone who is willing to be supported by me and to support me when I need it. I don’t want another partner whose only way to relieve stress is to attack and try to humiliate me. I want someone I can talk to and listen to. My ex-wife idea of a conversation was for her to talk totally uninterrupted for 20 minutes or more while I quietly listened. Any attempt to talk myself was being passive.

I am really starting to think that I will never find what I want. I don’t think most men are capable of a deep connection. I finally found one I connect with on a level I have had with no other man, but every time I open up and I am vulnerable I get cold water thrown into my face. Well, married 20 years, I guess it finally did. I used those 20 years to pay off our house, get a retirement nest egg built, and so on. Our son came along right after we got married.

Embrace your age.

Some of my friends started to be grandma, which is nice but we don’t connect as much.I started to get on dating site and most people who contact me are much older than I am, some are my dad’s age. Thank you for being yourself and giving hope for the rest if us, who are willing to stay themselves despite everything else. Do you teach classes on how to age with dignity?